Sunday, February 11, 2007

Thought for the day - The astronaut love triangle

How about that story, you know the NASA astronaut?

This female astronaut ... tried to kidnap and murder another NASA engineer, who was her romantic rival. She put on a wig and attacked the other woman with pepper spray and a BB gun, after driving 900 miles from Houston to Orlando, Florida, in diapers, so she wouldn't have to stop to pee. She drove 900 miles wearing diapers, thus breaking the old record set by Larry King." ... Jay Leno

When they caught her, she was wearing a wig and an adult diaper. There was a lot of confusion, because originally, authorities thought she was Elton John."

She drove 900 miles in a diaper. That's pretty amazing. Britney Spears can't even make it around the block in her underpants." ... David Letterman

The astronaut love triangle. I love that one. NASA hasn't had this much press since they faked that moon-landing thing in the '60s." ... Craig Ferguson

"Of course, since this is America, people capitalize on these things . . . have you seen these? Huggies with the 'Astronaut fit?'" ... Jay Leno

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